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Friday, December 23, 2011

How To Login TLC Application Form For G7 Nutrition Products | G7 Health Care Products

How To Login TLC Application Form For G7 Nutrition Products | G7 Health Care Products

1.The coordinator should fill up the TLC application (as before).


3.The "ORIGINAL BARCODE WITH HOLOGRAM" should be pasted on the TLC application as shown below.

4.Along with the SSF (Sales Submission Form), completed TLC Application Form should be submitted for submissions.


Co-ordinator Submission Details For Individual G7 Nutrition Products:

1.The Login Co-ordinator has to fill up the form (Coordinator Re-Purchase Form) in the below format for Submission of INDIVIUAL G7 NUTRITION PRODUCTS.

2.The below format is available in all the branches.

3.The "ORIGINAL BARCODE WITH HOLOGRAM" (which is available on the product wrapper) of the individual products purchased from the respective customer has to be pasted alongside their respective ID's as shown below.

4.The submitted logins PPV will be added as per the product, in their respective ID's under P.S. ZONE (Personal Sales Zone).


How To Place Order For G7 Nutrition Products | G7 Health Care Products

How To Place Order For G7 Nutrition Products | G7 Health Care Products

1.The customer has to fill up the form (Customer Order Form) in the below format for New Order of G7 NUTRITION PRODUCTS and Nutrition Packs.

2.The below format is available in all the branches.

3.DD should be submitted in favor of “G7 HEALTH CARE (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED” payable at Bangalore along with the Customer Order form.


Step 1:

 Fill your orders in 'Customer Order Form' and submit.

Step 2:

1.The Customer will get Nutrition packs and other products as per the order.

2.Three re-usable Barcode stickers are available in all the Nutrition Packs and individual Products.
        a.Original Barcode with Hologram
        b.Customer Barcode
        c.Office Barcode

3.The “ORIGINAL BARCODE WITH HOLOGRAM” is the valid proof for the purchase, which should be submitted while business submission.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

G7 Health Care PPV Details

G7 Health Care PPV Details

Sl.No. Product Name           Product Code     Co-ordinator Price          MRP         PPV
 1         Chlorophyll Liquid 14LC 700 840 0.70
 2         Bio-Cleanz                       15BC                    1100                    1299           1,20
 3         Takara 16TK 1500 1750 2.00
 4         Lacto Zyme 19LZ 1350 1599 1.75
 5         Xtrone 20XT 1930 2299 2.00

Sl.No. Kit                                                  MRP     PV       APV PPV
 1 Kit 1 
                        Product Code - 10PK
         (Chlorophyll, Bio-Cleanz & Lacto Zyme)                    4199          5          5           5

 2 Kit 2 
                        Product Code - 11PK
          (Chlorophyll, Bio-Cleanz, Lacto Zyme & Takara) 6499        10         10          10

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

G-Liquid Chlorophyll Video

G7 Health Care Video

G-Lactozyme Video

G-BioCleanz Video

G-Xtrone Video

G-Liquid Chlorophyll Video

G-Xtrone Video

G-BioCleanz Video

G7 Health Care Video

G-Lactozyme Video

G-BioCleanz Video

G-Xtrone Video

G-Liquid Chlorophyll Video

G-Lactozyme Video

G7 Health Care Video

G-Lactozyme Video

G-BioCleanz Video

G-Xtrone Video

G-Liquid Chlorophyll Video

G7 Health Care Product Video

G7 Health Care Video

G-Lactozyme Video

G-BioCleanz Video

G-Xtrone Video

G-Liquid Chlorophyll Video

G - Xtrone

G - Xtrone - MRP: Rs 2299

The Only Extra Strong Natural Vitamin Source for Lifelong Health

G-XTRONE is made from Sea Buckthorn, which is highly adaptable to all kinds of complicated climate conditions. It can withstand temperatures as high as 60 degrees Celsius and as low as minus 50 degrees Celsius. It grows on all kinds of terrain, from lowland to highland, plateau, slope or valley.It flourishes in the jianping

country of Liaoning province with an elevation of 200 meters, as well as the Qinghai - Tibetan Highland with an elevation of 5,020 meters.

G-XTRONE is an excellent source of a natural anti-oxidant (Vitamin E), natural cholesterol lowering oleic acid and the natural perfectly balanced ratio of essential fatty acids, omega-3: Omega-6, found to be so lacking in our 'modern diet'. G-Xtrone is the only product that is known to provides these nutrients naturally and does not need to be mixed with other oils, or supplements to achieve a satisfactory balance.

It is hailed as "THE ASTRONAUT'S FOOD" - by Russian and The European called it "THE FRUIT OF LIFE" but many more just say "THE AMAZING FRUIT"


G - Takara

G - Takara - MRP: Rs 1750

The right foot forward for wellness and health

Toxic chemicals, both naturally occurring and man-made, often get into the human body. We may inhale them, swallow them in contaminated food or water, or in some cases, absorb them through skin.

Some chemicals or their breakdown products (metabolites) lodge in our bodies for only a short while before being excreted, but continuous exposure to such chemicals can persist.

Arsenic, for example, is mostly excreted within 72 hours of exposure. Other chemicals, however, are not readily excreted and can remain for years in our blood, adipose (fat) tissue, semen, muscle, bone, brain tissue, or other organs. Chlorinated pesticides, such as DDT, can remain in the body for 50 years.

Scientists estimate that everyone alive today carries within her or his body at least 700 contaminants, most of which have not been well studied. This is true whether we live in a rural or isolated area, in the middle of a large city, or near an industrialized area. Because many chemicals have the ability to attach to dust particles and/or catch air and water currents and travel far from where they are produced or used, the globe is bathed in a chemical soup. Our bodies have no alternative but to absorb these chemicals and sometimes store them for long periods of time. Whether we live in Nasik or Noida, Nagaland or Nalanda, all our bodies are receptacles for a multitude of industrial chemicals. Wherever we live, we all live in a chemically contaminated neighborhood.


G - Bio Cleanz

G - Bio Cleanz - MRP: Rs 1299

100% Veg, 100% Natural

Did you know that if you consumed an average apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it?

In the rush to produce more and more crops to satisfy growing demand producers have had to resort to using a cocktail of pesticides to control disease and insect attack.Good news for

their bank balances perhaps but not good newsfor your health, this is why you need to be informed of the advantages of organic food.

Research has shown that the levels of vitamin C in today's fruit bear no resemblance to the levels found in pre second world wartime fruit. The quality of food has definitely gone down since the second world war.

You will have to eat more fruit nowadays to make up the deficiency, but unfortunately that means eating more chemicals, more potentially detrimental affects on your health eating something that should be good for you!

Also don't forget about the cocktail of anti-biotics and hormones that cattle and poultry are force fed.

Organic food is known to contain 50% more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than produce that has been intensively farmed.


G - Liquid Chlorophyll

G - Liquid Chlorophyll - MRP: Rs 840

Cleansing to make good health a way of life.

Health is the level of functional and (or) metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person in mind, body and spirit; "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Health-sciences research worldwide has proven that a person needs 20% acidic food and 80% alkaline food to maintain total good health.(Acidic food includes meat, seafood, canned food, sugar, salt, rice, egg yolk, cheese,alcohol, carbonated drink etc. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables and seaweed etc.)

Percentage increase in acidic food in turn increases acidic levels in our body leading to illness (now very common amongst us) like heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. One needs to maintain an alkaline pH level of 7.4 too.

Our Diets are acidic and we run miles from the green leafy vegetables on table (even if you are a vegetarian!!!!).Smoking, Drinking is a routine and more importantly stress levels have eaten into our rest - a component vital for revival and proper functioning of the body


G - Lactozyme Fruit Drink

G - Lactozyme Fruit Drink - MRP: Rs 1599
A power packed nutrient drink for your various nutrition needs

Fruits give you all the essential nutrients and are rich in vitamins like C and A. Fruit boost you instantly. Quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger at the same time. Fruits are guardian angels for all the busy bees out there. Each glass of fruit juice is a source of power of anti oxidants, minerals, vitamins and phyto-nutrients that provides more health benefits. 100% fruit juice can boost your diet at each day.

G Lactozyme is a step ahead, It a powerful extraction of vital nutrients that are grouped together from various fruits to build harmony and balance in your body. G-Lactozyme is a fruit beverage contains a perfect combination of tropical fruit enzymes, 5 live strains of probiotics and functional amino acids for replenishing enzymes ideal for normal liver functions and repairing non-functional cells. Enhanced with lemon bio-flavonoids, acai berries, grape seed, these powerful antioxidants help to reduce free radicals and detoxify the body.

G -Lactozyme Fruit Drink
  1.   Improves Metabolic Functions
  2.  Improves Mental/Brain Functions Alertness, Concenteration, Memory, Mood Stamina
  3.  Increases Energy Level, Reduces Physical Fatigue/Exhaustion.
  4.  Strengthens heart Functions and Stamina


G7 Health Care Product Kit Price

G7 Health Care Product Kit Price 

 Kit 1 - MRP: Rs 4199
Nutrition Pack 1
Product Code - 10PK
(1 Chlorophyll, 1 Bio Cleanz, 1 Lactozyme ) + Promotional Kit

Kit 2 - MRP: Rs 6499
Nutrition Pack 2
Product Code - 11PK
(1 Chlorophyll, 1 Bio Cleanz, 1 Lactozyme, 1 Takara ) + Promotional Kit

G7 Health Care Product Price List

G7 Health Care Product Price List 

G - Bio Cleanz-MRP: Rs 1299
Product Code - 15BC

G - Lactozyme Fruit Drink-MRP: Rs 1599
Product Code - 19LZ

G - Liquid Chlorophyll-MRP: Rs 840
Product Code - 14LC

G - Takara-MRP: Rs 1750
Product Code - 16TK

G -Xtrone-MRP: Rs 2299
Product Code - 20XT